
Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I pursue a liberal arts education?

There are lots of answers to this question, 但最简单的一点是:文科教育不仅仅是为就业市场做好准备. It prepares you for life, for living in the world, 赋予你生活的广度和深度. 大学为你提供了一个基础,使你能够在你选择的任何职业中取得成功, but also in every other area of life.

看到 Welcome to CC, Why It's Different, After CC.

Can you explain the Block Plan 和 what a typical day is like?

整体计划是一次上一节课,通常是周一到周五上午9点.m. to noon. This lasts for three-和-a-half weeks (ending on the fourth Wednesday); students get a long weekend, then it starts again the following Monday. This happens four times a semester, with two semesters a year, 所以学分和学校的学期制是一样的,只是强度要大得多, depth 和 flexibility.

看到 The Block Plan What's a Block.

Why is the Block Plan so unique? Why can't I find it at other colleges?

In a few words? 它需要更多的人参与:教职员工和学生. 在整体计划下的教学和学习取决于聪明的学生和教师, disciplined, actively engaged in education.

看到 Why It's Different.

How do courses under the Block Plan transfer in 和 out? Can I get credit for AP, IB, other college courses?

Because the Block Plan, launched at CC in 1970, is a widely recognized scheduling system, 选择从CC转学的学生在转学到的学校获得适当的学分不会有困难. 一个学时相当于四个学时或六个学时. 学分转移到CC的情况正好相反,但每个部门都有自己的标准. 通常在AP考试中得到4或5分,或者在IB考试中得到6或7分,都是值得的 credit.

Contact the Registrar's Office for more.

Does Colorado College have an honors program?

因为班级规模小,所有的学生都是通过竞争录取过程选拔出来的, an honors program simply isn't necessary. All classes are rigorous 和 dem和ing. 事实上,许多高级课程与研究生课程相当.


对于身体和学习障碍,我们会根据具体情况提供合理的帮助. 此外,所有新建筑都对身体残疾进行了重大修改. In the past, accommodations such as extra time, quiet locations for testing, physical adjustments to rooms have been offered.

看到 Support Services Accessibility Resources.

What additional academic services do you offer to students?

If students are having trouble with a course, 我们希望他们能直接找到源头——作为你的顾问和老师的教授. 教授来这里是有原因的——教书——而且大多数人都很平易近人,很乐意提供帮助. 还有无数的其他资源,从同伴导师到辅助专业人士.

看到 Academic Resources & Services.

What are the general requirements?

一年级学生必须参加两个单元的第一年体验, of which there are many choices. CC没有核心课程,但我们有分发要求. 这意味着,虽然我们希望学生在他们的课程中有广泛的经验, we do not specify particular courses. 学生必须在二年级结束前申报专业,并完成32个街区的课程才能毕业.

看到 First Year Program 和 Requirements.

What pre-professional programs are available?

在卫生专业和法律领域提供专业前咨询. 还有与其他工程学院的合作项目, 要求学生在CC学习三年文科基础课程,然后转到四所合作大学中的一所学习两年工程专业. At the end of this 3-2 period, 学生获得两个学士学位:一个来自CC,一个来自工程学院.

看到 Departments & Programs 和 the pre-professional Health 法律 页面.

Does the college help students find jobs?

Definitely. 我们的就业中心是学生在大学期间和毕业后寻找就业机会的绝佳资源. The Center provides individual career counseling, workshops in resume writing 和 interviewing, 同时也为学生提供实习和就业方面的资源.

看到 the Career Center 页面.

What security measures does CC employ? Where can I obtain statistics about safety?

Security should be a concern anywhere. 我们专注于教育学生关于危险和不恰当的行为. 我们也有护送,紧急电话,哨子程序,以及安全巡逻. Residence halls utilize a system of key card entries. 统计犯罪报告每年由学院准备,可向校园安全办公室索取.

看到 Campus Safety.

What majors does CC offer?

我们系的课程与其他文理学院不相上下. 你可以在不离开CC的情况下多次换专业. 一般来说,CC最受欢迎的专业是那些在全国很受欢迎的专业.

看到 the Majors 和 未成年人.

What is the average class size?

The average class size is 16.除非有两名教授,否则每班人数限制在25人以内, 在这种情况下,上限是32(教授高需求课程的教授偶尔会为了容纳学生而超过这个限制)。. CC's student to faculty ratio is 10:1.

看到 Our Faculty The Block Plan.

What types of extra-curricular activities exist on campus?

Almost too many! 有许多校队和俱乐部运动和100多个学生领导的组织, CC's campus is bustling with life at every turn.

看到 Student Activities, a list of Student Organizations, the Campus Calendar.

Who are your famous 和 most distinguished graduates?

许多赌博正规的十大网站的校友被奥巴马总统选入他的政府. They include: Former Colorado Senator Ken Salazar '77, secretary of the interior; Jane Lubchenco '69美国国家海洋和大气管理局局长; Lori Garver '83, deputy administrator of NASA; Marcia McNutt '74; director of the U.S. Geological Survey Harris Sherman '64.

Additionally, Colorado College had a graduate, Aaron Gutierrez '08她在白宫立法事务办公室实习. 古铁雷斯在科罗拉多州普韦布洛出生和长大,毕业时获得了B.A. in international political economy 和 a minor in Spanish. A survivor of brain cancer, he was a Fellow at El Pomar Foundation, 它是落基山脉西部最大、最古老的捐赠基金会之一. 在El Pomar,古铁雷斯获得了非营利部门的第一手经验.

看到 more on the After CC 页面 .

What are the college expenses?


看到 Financial 援助 Tuition for current information on expenses.

What does my tuition pay for?

CC是一家私人机构,因此不受国家补贴. While our tuition may seem high, 实际上,在全国知名的文理学院中,它处于低端. Colorado College hires the best faculty, keeps class sizes extremely small, 并有充足的最先进的设施和设备,仅供本科生使用.

Report an issue - Last updated: 08/03/2023